Dr. Martinez is available to work with youth of all ages as well as parents and adults who are experiencing a comprehensive range of emotional and behavioural difficulties, mental health diagnoses, and life problems.
These include:
- Anxiety and related disorders (EG. Separation Anxiety, Generalized Anxiety, Social Anxiety, Phobias, Panic, PTSD)
- OCD: Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders and Perfectionism
- Neuro-diverse needs: ADHD; ASD; Giftedness; Learning disabilities; Tic Disorders and Tourette Syndrome; Body-Focused Repetative Disorders (Trichotillomania-hair pulling)
- Child & Adolescent needs: Gender Identity; Self-Esteem; Social Skills; Assertiveness Coaching; School refusal
- Pre-school needs: Encopresis and Enuresis; Selective Eating; Separation Anxiety; Sleep difficulties
- Life Events & Stressors: transition to university and post-secondary life; marriage; pregnancy; parent-child relationship; sibling discord
- Depression and low mood
- Insomnia/Sleep Disruption
Dr. Martinez enjoys working with a multitude of families to enrich their lives to the fullest via collaborative engagement
We each have knowledge to share and wisdom to gain
We each have knowledge to share and wisdom to gain